Our calendar is updated frequently. Check here for events and volunteer opportunities all year!
PTO supported EVENTS
PTO hosts a Welcome Back Breakfast for the teachers as well as a "Tears and Cheers" breakfast for new parents. Come see us at Meet the Teacher night to learn more about what we do!
We have two main fundraisers each year - Read-a-thon (fall) and Boosterthon (spring). We are so appreciative of the support of the community and the funds make all of our events possible!
spirit nights
We have monthly Spirit Nights at local restaurants and businesses. Buy food for your family, have fun with other Lamar families, and contribute to the school! Find out about upcoming events here!
teacher appreciation
The PTO provides hospitality throughout the year for special events and puts on a week long celebration for Teacher Appreciation Week!
One of our biggest events of the year is our annual spring carnival! We have inflatables, games, prizes, karaoke, raffle baskets, a silent auction, and so much more!
diversity appreciation
Our Diversity Appreciation committee works to ensure our events reflect the cultural diversity of the Lamar students. We hold events each year to support Hispanic Heritage Month and more!
family events
Annual events like Chalk the Walk and Donuts with Grown-Ups are organized by the PTO. We look forward to seeing all the Lamar families at PTO events this year!
school events
Volunteers from the PTO help at numerous school events throughout the year, such as Field Day, Enrichment Nights, and more.